A governance team is responsible for coordinating all the activities forming part of the Project of Excellence and for monitoring their progress.
This governance team comprises the Director of the Department, Professor Giovanna Boccuzzo, together with Professor Maria Castiglioni and Professor Gianfranco Adimari, and the administrative secretary Andrea Berto. 

The Project of Excellence is assessed by an advisory board consisting of scientists of international standing who take action at three different times, according to an established schedule: (i) to establish the general focus of the project: (ii) to assess medium-term results, and provide recommendations for the last three years; and (iii) to draw final conclusions and orient new lines of development. 

The advisory board members are:
Tommaso Proietti, Professor of Economic Statistics, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Ernst Wit, Professor of Statistics and Data Science, Institute of Computational Science, Università Italiana, and Honorary Professor of Statistics University of Groningen; 
Emilio Zagheni, Professor of Sociology, University of Washington, and Director of Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research of Rostock.